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  • DALL·E 3 is here and it can spell 🖼️

DALL·E 3 is here and it can spell 🖼️

AI in healthcare, GPU clusters for disease research, AI PC era, and more

Welcome to Daily Zaps — Here’s what we got for you today: 🙌

  • 🖼️ DALL·E 3 is here and it can spell

  • 🩻 Commercializing AI in healthcare

  • 🧬 Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan to build AI GPU cluster

  • 💻 Intel kickstarts the AI PC era

  • 🔗 Other tech news

Let’s get right into it!

DALL·E 3 is here and it can spell

OpenAI has introduced an upgraded version of its text-to-image tool, DALL-E 3, which utilizes ChatGPT to simplify the process of generating images from prompts. This integration allows subscribers to ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Enterprise to input image requests and refine them through conversations with ChatGPT, receiving image results directly within the chat application.

DALL-E 3 not only leverages ChatGPT and is designed to produce higher-quality images that more accurately represent prompts, particularly for longer descriptions and challenging content like text and human hands. Additionally, artists can choose to exclude their artwork from training future OpenAI text-to-image models.

This release responds to the intensifying competition in generative AI, especially in the domain of image synthesis, with rival models like Midjourney and Stability AI pushing the boundaries. DALL-E 3 is slated for availability to premium ChatGPT users in October, followed by research labs and API customers. OpenAI has not disclosed plans for a free web tool release, similar to its previous DALL-E versions.

Commercializing AI in healthcare

Venture capital firm a16z discusses the potential applications of AI in enterprise healthcare, using Clay Christensen's "Jobs to be Done" framework. They highlight that healthcare tasks in enterprise settings are particularly well-suited for AI due to their complexity and the need for real-time decision-making. AI opportunities can be categorized into clinical vs. non-clinical and consumer vs. professional-facing tasks.

Criteria for determining the viability of AI opportunities include:

Areas with high labor costs: Healthcare enterprises facing workforce retention challenges, especially in roles requiring extensive training, are likely to benefit from AI solutions.

Potential for significant performance improvement: Tasks prone to human errors or inefficiencies, such as prior authorizations, have the potential to benefit greatly from AI.

Low adoption of software: AI adoption is more likely in areas with limited existing software tools, where AI offers substantial cost benefits compared to human labor.

Well-understood regulatory risk: Healthcare has established AI regulatory frameworks, but some non-clinical areas may be seen as safer for AI adoption than clinical ones.

Established revenue opportunities: Some areas may have better financial incentives for AI adoption, while others may struggle to justify AI investment.

The healthcare industry is in need of entrepreneurial solutions to scalability and cost problems that AI can uniquely address.

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Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan to build AI GPU cluster

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) has announced the funding and development of a large computing system dedicated to nonprofit life science research. This computing cluster will comprise over 1,000 GPUs and will support the use of AI and large language models (LLMs) for biomedicine research at scale. The aim is to create predictive models of healthy and diseased cells, which could lead to significant discoveries in curing, preventing, or managing all diseases by the end of the century.

The CZI-funded GPU cluster will be openly available to researchers and will focus on generating digital models capable of predicting various cell types and states based on genomic data. This effort will leverage advances in AI and machine learning to accelerate research in human biology and disease.

The initiative aims to create a virtual biology simulator that will serve as a valuable resource for researchers in understanding cells and cell systems. CZI's science technology team has a history of developing AI applications, and this effort seeks to unify collective resources for the benefit of scientific progress.

Intel kickstarts the AI PC era

Intel is making a significant push into AI with its 14th-gen Core chip, Meteor Lake, which includes AI inferencing engines. The goal is to ship 100 million "AI PCs" by 2025. The Core Ultra chip uses Intel 4 process technology and includes an AI inferencing engine (NPU) to bring AI capabilities to PCs.

Intel aims to establish local AI on PCs, eliminating the need for cloud processing and ensuring privacy. The strategy involves designing hardware with energy-efficient NPUs, showcasing AI applications, elevating AI APIs, and delivering products at scale.

The challenge lies in convincing consumers of the value of AI on their PCs. The hope is that the next viral AI application, like ChatGPT, will drive adoption of AI-powered PCs.

In case you’re interested — we’ve got a bunch of cool AI tools listed over at Daily Zaps AI hub. If you have any cool tools to share, feel free to submit them or get in touch with us by replying to this email.

Other tech and news we thought were cool 🔗

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