iPhone and AppleGPT

State level CIOs prioritize AI, Fake George Carlin comedy special, Politicians around the world blaming AI, and more

Morninā€™ everybody. Welcome to Daily Zaps.

Hereā€™s what we got for ya today:

  • šŸŽ iPhone and AppleGPT

  • šŸ¤– Politicians around the world blaming AI

  • šŸ¦¾ State level CIOs prioritize AI

  • āš–ļø George Carlinā€™s estate sues over fake AI comedy special

Letā€™s get right into it!


iPhone and AppleGPT

Apple is reportedly set to launch a next-generation version of Siri, powered by a generative AI chatbot, in its upcoming iOS 18, possibly announced at this year's WWDC. Despite criticisms of Siri's current limitations, Apple is ambitiously planning to surpass existing AI systems like ChatGPT.

The company has developed its own Large Language Model (LLM) system, known internally as AppleGPT, focusing on two major advancements: on-device processing for increased speed and privacy, and integrating AI audio and video processing along with language.


Politicians are scapegoating AI for their own mistakes

Politicians are dismissing compromising evidence like videos or voice recordings as AI-generated fakes, while deepfakes are being used to spread misinformation. For instance, a robocall mimicking President Biden's voice was used for voter suppression in New Hampshire. Similarly, former President Donald Trump claimed an ad featuring his gaffes was AI-generated.

This phenomenon, termed the ā€œliar's dividend,ā€ allows plausible deniability for politicians in the face of genuine evidence. AI's use in creating convincing deepfakes has outpaced the development of tools to identify them, leading to widespread uncertainty about the authenticity of media. This growing trend of AI misuse in politics and social media highlights the need for effective regulation and public awareness to combat the spread of AI-generated misinformation.

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State level CIOs prioritize AI

The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) has included artificial intelligence (AI) in its 2024 federal advocacy priorities, reflecting the growing importance of AI in state governance and regulation. The addition, titled ā€œArtificial Intelligence states leading the way,ā€ aims to support states in implementing and regulating AI, especially in light of the recent surge in generative AI's popularity.

NASCIO is urging the federal government to consider existing state efforts in forming federal AI regulations and legislation, emphasizing the need for federal support and resources to implement these policies efficiently. Download PDF


George Carlinā€™s estate sues over fake AI comedy special

The estate of George Carlin has filed a lawsuit against the media company Dudesy for creating a fake hourlong comedy special titled "George Carlin: I'm Glad I'm Dead," using artificial intelligence to mimic Carlinā€™s style and material. The special, which has Carlin's AI-generated likeness commenting on current events, is claimed to violate Carlin's right of publicity and copyright.

Carlin's daughter and estate executor, along with podcast hosts Will Sasso and Chad Kultgen, are named in the lawsuit. They argue that the defendants did not have permission to use Carlinā€™s likeness or his copyrighted material. The lawsuit highlights the growing legal challenges in the use of AI to recreate celebrity images and likenesses, and raises concerns about intellectual property rights and ethical use of AI in media.

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