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  • 🤫 Did Microsoft Illegally Use Twitter Data To Train AI Models?

🤫 Did Microsoft Illegally Use Twitter Data To Train AI Models?

Compare Chatbots, StableLM Open Sourced, Reddit Wants to Get Paid, and More

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Here’s what we have for you today:

  • 🤖 Compare Major Chatbots Side by Side

  • 📚Stability AI Launches StableLM

  • 💻 Elon Accuses Microsoft of Illegally Using Twitter Data

  • 📣 Daily Zaps Curated AI Tools Directory

  • 👽 Reddit Wants to Get Paid For Its Data

  • 🤯 Cool A.I. Tools and News 

  • 🖼️  A.I. Generated Image of the Day

  • ⚡️ A.I. Meme of the Day

    Compare Major Chatbots Side by Side

Ever wondered how Anthropic Claude compares to GPT-4 using the same prompt? Now you can find out by using AI Playground from Vercel. Check out my rap about how there too many AI newsletters and comparing GPT 3.5 Turbo to Claude v1. Who won this rap battle?

Stability AI Launches StableLM

Stability AI has released a new open-source language model called StableLM, which generates text and code and can be used for a range of applications. The Alpha version of the model is available in 3 billion and 7 billion parameters, with 15 billion to 65 billion parameter models coming soon. Developers can use StableLM's base models for commercial or research purposes for free, subject to the terms of the CC BY-SA-4.0 license. Example below and more info here.

Elon Accuses Microsoft of Illegally Using Twitter Data To Train AI Models

Okay, hear me out - we really don't want to keep talking about Elon Musk all the time, but the guy is seriously everywhere! I mean, we're talking rockets, satellites, cars, social media apps, and AI - is there anything this guy can't do?! As much as we try to resist, we can't help but report on his latest shenanigans when they're actually important. So, if you're feeling a little sick of hearing about Elon, trust us, we're right there with you. But hey, at least the man keeps things interesting, right?

Microsoft announced that starting from April 25, 2023, its Digital Marketing Center (DMC) and Smart Campaigns with Multi-platform will no longer support Twitter because they don’t want to pay API fees.

Elon has accused Microsoft of illegally using Twitter data to train its AI models, which prompted an interesting angle. It remains unclear whether his accusation is valid, but it could potentially force Microsoft to pay API fees. Otherwise, they will lose a valuable data source that is likely useful for training AI models, even if they don't necessarily need Twitter for their advertising platform.

Reddit Wants to Get Paid for Its Data

Reddit's chats are a treasure trove of random topics that attract about 57 million people daily. Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI have been mining these conversations to develop their artificial intelligence systems. But guess what? Reddit is now planning to start charging these tech giants for access to its application programming interface (API), which is the key to unlocking its treasure trove of data. Steve Huffman, Reddit's founder and CEO, says that the Reddit corpus of data is too valuable to be given away for free. This move may also help Reddit as it gears up for a possible IPO on Wall Street. So, let's wait and watch how this new development will affect Reddit's treasure trove of chats and the tech giants who depend on them! More details here and also see graphic below for top 10 datasets used to train GPT-3.

Reddit plus other datasets used for GPT-3

Daily Zaps Curated AI Tools Directory

We have curated a directory of the top AI tools by combing through our Daily Zaps newsletter posts. You can access it here. If you would like to submit your own tool or suggest your favorite tool mentioned in the newsletter, you can do so via our online form.

Please note that our list is curated, so if your tool is not added immediately, you can always submit it again at a future date. We prioritize full products or services and do not include simple AI wrappers on GPT-3/4 or ChatGPT, nor waiting list websites.

Currently, we have approximately 40 tools listed and our aim is to expand this list to feature the top 1000-1500 AI tools available. Please note that this list will be dynamic, and we may remove apps that are no longer maintained or functioning properly. Although we may not be the most extensive directory, we are committed to providing high-quality tools in our listing.

Fine-tune an AI model on any piece of content, then talk to it.

Cool A.I. Tools, News and Demos

The world of AI and machine learning is moving incredibly fast, and it's tough to keep up with all the cool new developments! Here are some of the most exciting AI-powered tools and news.

100% A.I. Generated Image of the Day

Stability XL Prompt - Modern living room, white furniture, floor-to-ceiling window, in the style of realistic and hyper-detailed renderings, unreal engine 5, light bronze and beige, panoramic scale, minimalist staging, biedermeier, high quality photo

A.I. Meme of the Day

Imagine you're Google, all pumped up about launching a new chat based search, and then you hear OpenAI's CEO dropping the bomb that ChatGPT's tech is basically so last season. Sorry, Google, looks like you'll have to dig deep and come up with something even cooler. It's time to dust off those thinking caps!

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