Most in-demand AI job of 2023

AI friends, fine tuning for math, rent GPUs, and more

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Welcome to Daily Zaps ā€” Hereā€™s what we got for you today: šŸ™Œ

  • šŸ’° Most in-demand AI job of 2023

  • šŸ‘Æ Instagram ā€œAI friendā€ feature

  • šŸ§® Fine tuning LLMs for math

  • šŸ¦® Robotic seeing eye dog

  • šŸ”— Other tech news

Letā€™s get right into it!

Most in-demand AI job of 2023

The demand for data scientists experienced in AI has recently soared as more companies introduce AI-based products to enhance workplace efficiency and elevate customer experience.

AI data scientists can anticipate a starting salary of around $100,000 to $122,738 in their initial year, based on data from Indeed and ZipRecruiter. With 3 to 5 years of experience, this salary can rise to approximately $150,000. Senior positions in this field can command salaries exceeding $200,000.

Entering the AI data science field typically requires at least a bachelor's degree in a relevant subject, but skills play a paramount role. Successful data scientists need a mix of technical and non-technical skills, emphasizing the importance of continuous skill development to keep pace with the evolving industry.

Instagram ā€œAI friendā€ feature

Instagram is reportedly working on an "AI friend" feature. This feature would allow users to customize their AI chatbot, selecting its gender, age, ethnicity, personality traits, interests, and even its avatar and name. Once set up, users would enter a chat window to converse with the AI. The AI's interests, selected by the user, would influence its personality and the nature of its conversations, with options ranging from "DIY" and "animals" to "music" and "nature."

Meta, has already introduced AI chatbots into its apps, with some being represented by celebrities. Unlike these specific chatbots, Instagram's "AI friend" seems geared towards broader, more open-ended interactions.

The Next Smart Home Staple

Where were you when Amazon acquired Ring for $1B? Or when Google bought Nest for a cool $3.2B?

Hopefully, you were invested in those promising startups. But for those that missed out, the next groundbreaking Smart Home innovation has arrived äø€ RYSE.

Their automated window shade tech is now launching in Best Buy stores, and is poised to dominate the fast-growing Smart Shades market. Theyā€™ve also just launched a new investment round and their share price has already grown 25% from their last round!

The Smart Shades race is on, and RYSE is in pole position due to their:

Unmatched Features: RYSE has the only retrofit design to motorize existing window shades, and can be seamlessly controlled by voice, smartphone, or schedule.

Smart Price: Priced at $169 vs. competitorsā€™ pricing of up to $1,000 per window, RYSE is uniquely positioned to bring luxury window shades to every home and business.

Fine tuning LLMs for math

Learning from Mistakes (LeMa), trains AI systems to rectify their own errors, which in turn bolsters their reasoning skills. This approach was inspired by human learning patterns where individuals improve by recognizing and learning from their mistakes. The scientists applied this method to LLMs, utilizing GPT-4 to generate and correct mistake-correction data pairs, subsequently refining the models. The LeMa strategy demonstrated remarkable results, consistently enhancing performance across various LLMs and mathematical tasks.

The introduction of LeMa marks a pivotal moment in AI, suggesting that machine learning processes can be more closely aligned with human learning, revolutionizing sectors heavily dependent on AI, such as healthcare, finance, and autonomous vehicles.

Robotic seeing eye dog

Despite the potential of guide dogs to enhance the lives of visually impaired individuals, only about 2% of such people have access to these animals, primarily due to the high training costs of $50,000 to $60,000 per year. To address this, researchers are exploring ways to reduce the time, money, and resources needed to train guide dogs, with the aim of increasing their accessibility. Engineers at Binghamton University have developed a robotic guide dog that uses AI and machine learning to navigate and guide users at a fraction of the cost and time required to train a traditional guide dog.

The robotic dog employs a "leash-tugging" interface, allowing users to guide it much like a real dog. The team is also working on giving the robo-dog the ability to speak and respond to its user through technologies like ChatGPT. While there is still work to be done before it is ready for widespread use, the robotic dog holds significant potential to transform the lives of visually impaired people.

In case youā€™re interested ā€” weā€™ve got a bunch of cool AI tools listed over at Daily Zaps AI hub. If you have any cool tools to share, feel free to submit them or get in touch with us by replying to this email.

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