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  • State of California releases AI report

State of California releases AI report

UK, USA and others discuss secure AI, TikTok and longer videos, AI lethal weapons, and more

Welcome to Daily Zaps — Here’s what we got for you today: 🙌

  • 🤖 State of California releases AI report

  • 🔐 UK, USA, and other governments agree on secure AI

  • ⏱️ What is OpenAI’s super-secret Project Q*?

  • ☠️ US military is working on AI use in lethal weapons

  • 🔗 Other tech news

Let’s get right into it!

State of California releases AI report

It provides a preliminary analysis of risks and high-risk use cases, emphasizing economic and transformative benefits, and explores ways to improve accessibility to government services, particularly for groups facing language barriers or other obstacles. Full PDF report here and executive order here.

UK, USA, and other governments agree on secure AI

The U.K., U.S., and partners from 16 other countries have introduced new guidelines for developing secure AI systems. These guidelines, emphasized by the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), focus on security as a fundamental aspect of AI development. They advocate for transparent and accountable design processes, with security as a core consideration from the beginning. Full PDF here.

The guidelines aim to enhance AI's cybersecurity, address potential societal harms like bias and privacy issues, and establish robust methods for identifying AI-generated content. The guidelines also encourage companies to enable third-party discovery of vulnerabilities in AI systems through mechanisms like bug bounties.

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What is OpenAI’s super-secret Project Q*?

Q* (pronounced "Q-star") is an alleged internal project by OpenAI dedicated to the application of artificial intelligence in logical and mathematical reasoning.

Andrew Chang explains what we know about the AI technology referred to as Q*, and also breaks down the gap between current AI technology and "human" intelligence.

US military is working on AI use in lethal weapons

Experts predict the U.S. will soon have fully autonomous lethal weapons, but there are concerns about relegating humans to supervisory roles and the ethical implications of such technologies. The Pentagon's AI initiatives are vast, with over 800 projects, mostly augmenting human capabilities. AI applications range from space threat detection to predictive maintenance in the Air Force.

The U.S. is also exploring the integration of AI in battlefield strategies, like the 'human-machine teaming' concept. However, challenges in adopting cutting-edge AI and bureaucratic hurdles persist. Despite these challenges, there is a push for rapid development to maintain military competitiveness, particularly in the face of potential autonomous weapon systems from rival nations.

In case you’re interested — we’ve got a bunch of cool AI tools listed over at Daily Zaps AI hub. If you have any cool tools to share, feel free to submit them or get in touch with us by replying to this email.

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